U.F.O. Sightings - New Guinea.

021 23 Aug 1953 Port Moresby PNG Photo 1100hrs

Whilst watching and filming a peculiar cloud build up into a thick mass of cumulus, Mr Drury (the then Director of Civil Aviation in PNG) saw a metallic object like a silver dart, which shot out of the cloud in an upwards direction. It was elongated like a bullet and subtended about 2.5cm at arms length. No fins or wings were visible. It had a clear cut dense white vapour trail and there was no associated sound. The entire thing was caught on 8mm movie film. It is understood that the RAAF investigated the incident and analysed the film. (FSOA p22. Aust FSR Vic Vol 6 Dec 66. "Flying Saucers Where Do They Come From?" p94.)

046 26 Jun 1959 Boianai Papua 1845hrs Gill et al

This well documented sighting had thirty eight witnesses. A brilliant light was seen to approach a mission station. It appeared to be hovering some 100m up and was solid and circular, with a wide base and a narrower upper deck. At a number of intervals a shaft of light came from the object and shone into the sky on a forty five degree angle. As the group watched, "men" came out onto the deck. There were four "men" in all. Eventually the spotlight and the men disappeared, the object moved through cloud and was lost to view. (Flying Saucer Review (FSR) Special issue no 4. Aug 71.)

047 27 Jun 1959 Boianai Papua 1800hrs Gill et al

Another disc was seen with two smaller objects also present. Four figures appeared on top as per the previous night, although this time they were observed to respond to waves from the priest and natives. The disc also seemed to respond to torch signals by wavering like a pendulum. (Flying Saucer Review Special issue no 4. Aug 71.)

071 28 May 1965 Off Bouganville Reef Photo 0325hrs

In the early hours of the morning a DC-6 radioed Townsville control tower that it was being "buzzed" by a UFO. The object was described as spherical in shape, flat on top and the bottom. Exhaust gases were reported coming from the object. It is said to have p[aced the aircraft for some ten minutes during which the captain took photographs. The object then moved ahead of the plane and disappeared. An official "cover up" is reported to have occurred. (1. UFO Research Queensland. 2. NICAP "The UFO Investigator" Jun/Jul 1965 p4. 3. Australian Flying Saucer review. 3(5):3 & 7. 1972.)

Copyright © 1996 remains with the Researcher / 's named to be associated with each report.

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